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Weight Loss

Dana Wright • Jul 29, 2021

Dr. Lindsey Mettenbrink

Summertime is here! Let's talk healthy weight loss.

Summer is here which means it’s time to pull out the swim suits! If you are like me, the thought of swim suit season brings out more anxiety than it does excitement. The year 2020 was rough, with many people putting on “The COVID 15”, or more. Before you run out to the store to purchase an over the counter weight loss supplement, consider the following healthy lifestyle changes you can make not only to help your waistline for the summer, but for years to come.

Fad diets are just that, a fad. You can’t eat diet bars and salads forever. We need to start eating the way that we want to feel. If you want to feel like a greasy pepperoni pizza…go for it. Instead, avoid putting the processed junk in your cart. If it comes in a box or a bag, it is likely loaded with salt, sugar and preservatives. All of this stuff stimulates your appetite, spikes your blood sugar and makes you feel sluggish and fatigued. Instead, reach for the WHOLE foods. Items like fresh fruits (or frozen with no added sugar), fresh veggies, unsalted nuts, lean proteins and dairy products in their most natural forms. If you need to buy a few things in packages, look for whole grain products or items with 5 or fewer ingredients that you can actually pronounce. A diet high in processed foods leads to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. These diagnoses often require several medications to treat and put you at risk for long term health consequences. Taking care of your body now, can prevent you from paying hefty medical bills and prescription drug costs later.

We need it folks. I don’t care if your job is “physical”, you need to exercise outside of work. The recommended goal is 30 minutes 5 days per week. I’ve heard a lot of people say, “I don’t have time”. Trust me…you do. Did you have time to watch your favorite Netflix show last night? Did you have time to hit the snooze button 3 times this morning? You have time. You need to start treating your body like it belongs to someone that you care about. Exercise is not only good for your heart, lungs and muscles, but also for YOUR MOOD! Exercise releases those “feel good” chemicals and gives you MORE ENERGY to get through your day. Who doesn’t want that?? You don’t need to have a goal of running a marathon (but kudos to you if you do!), but you need to get out there and move. Start small with a 10-15 minute walk in the evenings. Slowly increase the time and distance. You will be glad you did.

I know you drink “a lot”, but you probably don’t drink enough. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces of WATER per day. You need more than that if you are exercising or outside sweating. This amount does not include coffee, soda, energy drinks or alcohol. Often times when we feel hungry, we are actually thirsty. Before you grab your next snack, try drinking some water first and see if those hunger pains go away.

With all of this being said, these changes don’t happen overnight. You have spent countless years developing habits that are hard to break. Maybe choose one area that you want to work on (i.e. exercise, decreasing soda intake, cutting back on take-out, etc). Once this habit is changed, move onto the next. The goal is lifestyle change, not rapid weight loss that can’t be maintained. Our goal at the Grand Island Clinic is a “lifetime” of health…not 1 or 2 months. If you are struggling, talk to your PCP! We would love to help begin to live a healthier lifestyle and feel more comfortable in that swim suit this summer and all the summers to follow. 

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